You had me, but you lost me

I haven't touched /. in a week or two now. I doubt I'll ever bother to again. This is the culmination of years of faithful reading, posting, commenting and moderating. I'm pretty sad that it has come to this—in fact, I had hung on a lot longer than common sense tells me is wise. You had me, Slashdot, but you lost me…

[At this point, I should pause to give full credit to Eric Burns for popularizing the format and phrase "You had me but you lost me" on his and Wednesday White's fine webcomics and related topics blog Websnark. They still have me.]

My /. uid is about 180000 IIRC. (Just checked: it is 187055.) This puts me solidly in the second wave of adopters; those who started reading /. based on word-of-mouth from the original 50-100K of pioneers. My karma has been maxed out for a long time now. I modded about once a week until I turned off the "willing to mod" bit a few weeks ago.

What happened? Several things.

The loss of shared geek culture that comes with the deterioration of /. is sad. Further, if I was making financial decisions on /.'s future, I'd be seriously looking at the way it is being run.

All in all, I just can't do /. anymore. You had me, but you lost me.