Of course, in the process of cleaning up the mess I accidentally deleted the whole entry containing the site intro, and now I'm not sure how far it should have been backdated. Also, now that I think about it, I think that page contained the link explaining the name. Bleah. I will try to fix this now.
Where do such creepy folks come from? Why would anyone even bother to spam a site that gets almost no traffic? I just don't get it.
Anyway, I'll leave the anonymous commenting open a bit longer. For one thing, I want to get a better mechanism in place for legitimate users to get accounts. I've got a test instance of Drupal part way up on my home box—it should be finished in the next few days.
But any more spam, and I guess I'll have to shut it all down again. It would be sad, but that's the price we pay for tolerating creeps and losers in our society, I guess. Darn it.