Coin War

Coin War is a simple game of my own invention, for two players… Coin War is intended primarily as a game for my CS 161 class to implement. It is a simplification of the ancient card game War) that tries to capture the essence of the game.

Coin War

Number of players: 2

Playing time: About 5 minutes.

Goal: Win the opponent's Army.

Equipment Needed: Ten coins.

Setup: Each player takes five coins, arranges their coins in a sequence called their "Army", and then flips each coin in turn so that it randomly shows heads (H) or tails (T).

Round of play: The players compare the first coins in their armies.

Victory conditions: At any point, if either player has no Army, the game is immediately over.

Sample game:

        Player 1: THHTT
        Player 2: TTHTH

        Player 1: HTT TH
        Player 2: HTH TT

        Player 1: T THHT
        Player 2: H TTHT

        Game over.
        Player 1:
        Player 2: THTHHTTTHT

        Player 2 wins.

Strategy: Coin War is a game of pure luck. The player who starts with the most heads almost always wins.

Coin War is playable by children too young to deal with playing cards, and can be played with equipment that is usually at hand. It has few other redeeming virtues. (B)