The Firesign Theatre plays Portland

A couple of weeks ago, my family and I went to see The Firesign Theatre downtown. These guys are living legends, and we had second row seats in one of Portland's finest venues.

I've talked here about the Firesign Theatre in general and about their tech and science-oriented album I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus specifically. What we were privileged to see is a performance of Bozos celebrating the 40th anniversary of the album's release (as well as excerpts from their other work and especially from their Shakespeare parody Anythynge You Want To). Let that sink in for a moment. The four original members of the group were performing, live, material that they had publically released 40 years ago. There aren't many performing groups of any kind with that track record, much less in comic theater.

They were awesome. It was the best live show I've ever seen from them, and perhaps the best I've ever seen from anyone, period.

You still have a chance to catch live performances of these folks over the next year or two. Do it while you can. Trust me on this one. (B)