For some time now, I've meant to start blogging daily...
Why? Well, several reasons:
One of the big barriers to this whole thing has been that I have several kinds of thoughts I want to get out there. Some writings I'm happy to have associated with me personally and professionally. Those will be posted here. Others I would just as soon publish anonymously. I'll get a blog-site account under some random nym for that. Finally, there are those that I can't really post anywhere. I'll put those in a diary here on my home box.
Which brings me to a major point of this, my first blog entry in the sequence. You won't see a blog entry here every day. If you don't see one, it means that I have written to my blog-site account or my diary instead---or that I have been too lazy to write. One of the virtues of this scheme is that you'll never know.
I'll try to make sure entries appear here at least three times a week, though. In service of this, I'll try to build up a backlog.
OK, now you know what I know. Let's have big fun with this.