Cell phones and the US National 'Do Not Call' Registry

I received the following from a colleague a bit ago. I edited it some, and posted it here. [Update 2011/5/13: Edited to reflect reality. Thanks much to the anonymous commenter below.] (B)

To register your phone (cellphone or otherwise) with the National Do Not Call Registry, call the following number from your phone: 888-382-1222. This will connect you to the registry for the FTC's National 'Do Not Call' List. You will be walked through the very, very simple process for blocking your phone.

This call will only take a minute of your time. Telemarketers are allowed up to 30 days after you register before honoring the block. If you receive a telemarketing call after that, you should file a complaint. You might want to file a complaint anytime you receive a telemarketing call on a cellphone, since these are prohibited anyhow.

You must call from the phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.

Please help others by passing this on---it only takes half a minute or so.