Equality is a horrific aspiration. Equality is the least common denominator—it denies good fortune her prerogative of aid. The lowest slaves are equal, and the easiest way to make them equal to their masters is to enslave their masters as well.
Fairness is a cruel aspiration. "All have sinned;" the only fairness is punishment of all. I am well aware of what I deserve. I pray that I never receive fair and just treatment, and I am not callous enough to wish fair and just treatment upon the best of people.
Goodness is a proper aspiration. I hope that each person will be given the best, and will make the best of what they are given. My proper role on this planet, and the proper role of each of its inhabitants, is to help each human I encounter to achieve the greatest good: not by pushing down, nor by leveling, but by lifting up. By the grace of God I have received love and mercy; may God grant me the strength and wisdom to give it in turn.
Over the last few days I've had the opportunity to watch the work of many advocates of equality and advocates of fairness. They are sometimes well-meaning, but always wrong. I choose goodness. (B)