META: A stupid reason to stop blogging

The few of you who care may have noticed that I stopped blogging some time ago. There were several reasons for this, but perhaps the most important was a really stupid one…

You see, the thing is, I generally have a lot of uncompleted tasks. I'm one of those lame folks who takes on many more and much larger projects than they can reasonably finish. I feel guilty about this, of course, but it doesn't seem to slow me down much or often.

Anyway, back when I quit I had a really large backlog of really important work. Further, the folks I was supposed to be doing this work for might conceivably read my blog.

My reasoning went like this: If those folks I owe work to see me blogging instead, how does that look?

The fallacy here, of course, is that those folks really care why I'm not getting their work done. I have managed to complete or shed a bunch of it, and am back to merely way behind—the sabbatical has helped.

So I want to start blogging again. I will try to get some stuff out over the next few days. I'm not yet ready to make a big commitment about a regular updating schedule again; maybe I'm learning my lesson. Besides, November is National Novel Writing Month, and I'm just dumb enough to consider a serious try.

I have a billion other things to talk about but, hey, one topic per post. Looking forward to restarting the conversation. (B)