Moving forward

It looks like I'm on track to finish Theory of Comp this term.

I only need to do CS533 for next term, but when I came in one weekend, Jules talked me into signing up for the FGPA class so we'll see. I really need to make more progress on my thesis but my advisor is happy with the progression of things. I really meant to come to the PSAS meeting tonight but then I found out I had to pick up my son from Lincoln High School -- they play chess every Wed. He was playing a senior that is the top player in the state (and my son is just a freshman). I'm really proud of him -- but Jesuit is mostly an athletic school (not brain athletics like chess) so their resources are limited to help the chess players advance -- the teacher is open to resources I could find to help them.

Anyhow, will be closer to graduating... can't wait.