Winter term classes

I'm so very excited about my classes next term. I talked with Dr. Hall about getting ECE senior elective credit for my USB projects. Looks like it's a go, if I can get an ECE faulty member to be my advisor. The process is fairly formal:

There's two sides of the USB project I want to work on next term. There's the Linux kernel work to replace usbfs and libusb, and there's the DMA and isochronous work that needs to be done on LPCUSB (the USB library for the LPC2148 chip). Proposing I do both seems a bit much. The kernel work is arguably harder, and the LPCUSB is closer to the kind of ECE work that I think Dr. Hall expects. I won't abandon my USB kernel hacking next term, but I'm leaning towards proposing the LPCUSB work.

Next term I'm also taking CS572 (Operating System Internals). Basically it's lots of kernel driver hacking. Karen and Binkley are co-teaching it, and Karen said I should be able to substitue some of my kernel hacking for some of the projects. We're going to write a character device driver in that class, so my USB endpoints character device project seems like an appropriate substitute.

My final class is ECE485, Computer Architecture. It's taught by Faust, and I've been told the projects for that class are awesome. I have to take for my CpE undergrad degree, and it's only offered this term.

Whew! That's three really time consuming classes. I'd take a crap class, like economics, to balance out my load, but economics overlaps with CS572. I really want to take all my classes next term, because they're so cool, but I'm a little afraid I'll go completely insane. ;)