Engineering in every sense of the word...

Well a while ago my miele vaccuum broke. I had gone to the vac store and from the info I gave them they told me it was the motor and it would cost over $400 to fix. So instead, I got a cheap other brand x vac cleaner (used off craigslist) but it hasn't worked very well. Last night I decided to take the miele apart and sucessfully removed the motor (from S434i). I found online parts provider, but apparently miele switched motors during the manufacture of this machine but with the proper identification was able to locate the proper motor replacement. Even though the part number was unique, one couldn't use it to identify the part. It was interesting that that two wires came out of the motor to connect to a circuit board and tracing how it was put together. Hopefully I'll get the new motor soon and have my old vacuum back. And the good news it was about $100 including shipping. I'm glad I'm good at taking apart and fixing things, I learn and in the process I can feel good about my ability, saving money and not contributing to a larger landfill :-)