Pursuing graduate school

This morning I talked to Cindy Brown, the head of the CS department, about getting a CS master's degree. She was very excited about my decision to go to grad school, which is flattering to me. (I have the bad habit of underestimating my worth, and finding out that people think I'm interesting and cool is always surprising.)

I've taken a lot of CS courses for my ECE degree, but I would still need to complete CS311, CS321, CS322, and CS350 before I could be admitted to the CS graduate program. Because of the way those classes are scheduled, I would be working on them until Winter 2008:

Spring 2007
* ECE486

* CS311

Fall 2007

* CS321

Winter 2008
* CS322

* CS350

I would be admitted and start my graduate classes in Spring 2008. I may be able to apply for fellowships Winter 2008, but I have to ask Marcia if I have to be admitted to the program by then.

There's also funding through TA and RA positions. The faculty controls the Research Assistant positions, and the CS council and the department control the Teacher Assistant positions. Cindy said if I make myself useful on a research project, it's more likely that I'll get a TA position.

However, there's not much funding for post-bac students, so I'd have to pay for the pre-graduate CS courses on my own. I'll find the money somewhere. Jamey will probably still be working for Andrew, and he can support us while I take a break from school. I supported him while he took a break from school, so it's only fair. ;)

I'm looking forward to only taking a couple classes and having some free time. I'll have time to work on some cool projects and catch up on my bookshelf. I miss reading.

Of course, if the right job comes along (e.g. working as a Linux kernel hacker) I may abandon this plan. The two paths aren't mutually exclusive, but it would be hard to work and go to grad school.