Experiments never go as planned...

Well I made it down to PSU to collect my data yet again after upgrading my system but then my cursor went crazy and wouldn't stay in the same place.  After stopping at a colleague's home, it magically stopped.  We suspect it may have been the serial GPS connection interfering.

Then I forgot when I was trying to re-create the problem I had deleted the old system along with the database and needed to reload it so the software was complaining about not finding BSSIDs which is correct behavior. 

Lastly after I started re-loading the database my battery was low and then gave out before I could get it done... so back to home and
need to find out if I can get a battery that lasts longer.

Ahhhhh the fun of working with computers... us humans should be
able to throw exceptions at the computer and they should figure out
why we don't work :-)