HOWTO: Labeling Tiny Things

I've gotten tired of irredeemably losing tiny things—I just lost a $25 Bluetooth USB dongle. I also got tired of being unable to distinguish my tiny work keys.

Unless you are pretty dumb, you could figure all of what I'm about to tell you out yourself. But hey, it took me several iterations… :-)

What you'll need:

Now do the obvious thing:

  1. Use the ruler to measure the place where the label will go.
  2. Create the label with the drawing program. You will probably want about a 7-point font. Start by drawing a rectangle at the measured dimensions to serve as a guide for labeling and cutting.
  3. Print the label on the laser printer.
  4. Cut the label out with the scissors or knife.
  5. Adhere the label to its target with the white glue.
  6. Wait for the glue to dry.
  7. Cover the label and margin with the transparent tape.
  8. Optionally, use the Xacto knife to trim the tape laminate, then peel away the excess.

I like white glue in this application because it can probably be soaked off with enough hot water or strong organic solvent. If you don't laminate the label with the tape, the laser-printed lettering will eventually wear off.

Here's my new dongle and its label.

labeled BT USB dongle

Here's an old labeled key.

labeled key

Note how the label text is worn: that happened before I put the tape on. A key in a pocket is in a harsh environment. Note also that the tape is starting to fray at the edges. You may optionally choose to use some stronger tape, although the matte transparent tape is nice to look through.

Enjoy. (B)