Lost Animal Santuary

It was slow going today, not how I envisioned my day going. After I got back from service, there was lost yellow lab, very scared.  I befriended him, but then he went off, so I got Crystal and went out to try to find him.  After 2 blocks we gave up to find out he came back to a house across the street.  I engaged them in play and got them both to come to the backyard.  I fed him, he ate a full five or six bowls of dog food (yikes!) and a ton of water (poor guy).  I then took a looooong drive out to the county shelter, they were super welcoming; the dog was microchipped so I'm hopeful the owner will come for him (he was well trained and got along with my pets). Guess maybe in a way I'm destined for this, a neighbor at a block party told me before the block of houses were built on this land used to be a small house with a large orchard, her name was Judy and she took in all sorts of stray animals. [I don't quite have an orchard, but do have apple, pear, apricot, plum and fig trees!]