Way too sleepy to blog much tonight, but wanted to at least capture some basic OSCON notes for later…

No more naked people in the morning keynotes, but some swearing. Lefkowicz' talk was the one I remember best; it was an interesting commentary about the tomato.

I watched someone launch into her talk when her slides weren't working. It's nice to see that level of speaker professionalism.

Jamey gave his talk today. Very short, but the questions afterward were good. We had brought much of the local X geekdom with us, so it became something of a group effort. I think we taught some people some things.

Saw an interesting talk on how database engines work by the SQLlite author. Developers from MySQL, Postgres, and Firebird were on hand and commenting, so that made it all the more educational.

Google announced Google Hosting for open source projects. The integration with GMail and Google Groups is a plus. It will be interesting to see the adoption rate of this.

The kind folks from ActiveState donated five barstools that they didn't want to take home to PSU. Thanks!

Also, thanks to Microsoft for a lovely dinner and chat about open source.

Enough for now. Later. (B)