Wow. Got up at 5:30 today, for complicated personal reasons having to do with getting things done before OSCON. Got our PSU booth set up, then went to the morning keynotes…

There was some interesting keynote content, but nothing earth-shaking. Lots of Web 2.0® hype. The most surprising thing was once again, the appearance of half-naked women in talk slides. This marks the third such in six keynotes, and was accompanied by multiple goatse references and profanity. I think the few women in the audience were definitely uncomfortable with some of this; I talked to one woman at lunch who was quite dismayed. It's odd, and I can't explain it.

I spent most of the afternoon talking to various folks, including the Open Source VP at Sun and a team from Solid DB. I also worked the booth and show floor heavily, and had some great chats with folks. Finally, I touched in once again on OSCAMP. It was Drupal-oriented in the afternoon; big fun.

My evening was spent partying and running the Higher Ed BOF. I'm dead tired now, and have to go to bed so I can get up way too early tomorrow. G'night all! (B)