Project Resolution
This blog is named Project Resolution partly because it can be read so many ways and sounds vaguely patriotic but isn't, but mostly because it continues as part of a New Years' Resolution I made. It's about 6 months since the New Year; it's probably time to review my progress on my resolutions, and adjust accordingly…
Here's current status, in the order I listed originally.
- Blog daily: I broke my resolution to blog daily (ironic, given the title), and let the blog die for a while. I'm now back to "New Years' Resolution mode": a new blog entry every day. (I think that too few people try to re-kickstart their failed New Years' Resolutions mid-year: it's all too easy to try again next year.) As usual, entries in my secret blog or private journal will count. Also, long comments like this one with thoughts about cyberpunk will count. I will allow backlog, and will try to track it. We'll see how it goes.
- Lose 30 pounds in the next 180 days: Uttely failed. Gained a few pounds. Going to work with exercise, diet, and sleep to slowly take off some weight, but it looks like it's going to be a hard struggle.
- Get my business affairs in order: This is pretty close to accomplished. My micro-business now has a manager, fairly up-to-date records, and even a business plan for the next while.
- Learn a song for every major holiday of the year: Learned a few, missed a few. Looks like this will be a multi-year project. Not that it matters.
- Get my music in order. Making some progress, but need to work harder at it.
- Finish my screenplay. Zero progress. I need to get on this.
I've also added a couple of resolutions along the way: Increase sleep, and remove caffeine.
All in all, I'm only moderately unhappy with my progress. Most resolutions get completely blown off. I at least hit OK on a couple. I'll keep trying to improve. (B)