How To Get an OOo Bug Fixed?
When there's a bug in an open source program, there are about 6 approaches to getting it fixed:
- Upgrade: it's already been fixed.
- Find a fix online.
- Get the source and fix it.
- Use an official issue-reporting mechanism and wait for a fix.
- Contact the responsible developer and ask them to fix it.
- Flail around asking for help from "the community".
With my bug, I have rapidly exhausted the first five options. So…
Who's gonna help?
The bug is simple to describe. Edit the slide master for an OpenOffice 2.0.2 Presentation. Rotate the title. Now create slides. The rotation of the title will not be preserved.
What went wrong with 1..5?
- Upgrade: it's already been fixed. Nope. Running latest bits AFAIK.
- Find a fix online. Google showed nothing obvious.
- Get the source and fix it. One doesn't just "get the source" to OOo. It's enormous, and takes days to compile. Locating and isolating the bug, for someone with my knowledge and skill set, would be a major undertaking…implausibly major.
- Use an official issue-reporting mechanism and wait for a fix. Have you looked at the OOo bug tracking? Completely unusable, at least for me. I have no idea if my bug is already there; I have no idea how to submit it.
- Contact the responsible developer and ask them to fix it. See above. I have no idea what developer, if any, is responsible for my bug.
- Flail around asking for help from "the community". Yep. That's where I am.