
Knackered is an English term for when you're completely exhausted by everything. Since the weekend I've been surviving on a complex rocket fuel of rum and coke in the evenings and coffee in the daytimes- carefully administered, spirit alcohol has very useful stimulant effects! Work work work all day then it seems like working even more all night, sorting people out and doing the things one must do to maintain a certain position in life with respect to certain provisions.

I'm a firm believer in the philosophy that one can only transcend one's limitations by pushing to the very edge of them- how do you know you could survive a week without sleep unless you try it, for instance. Sure, everyone thinks they could but how many have faced down the cold fevers and hallucinations?

I'm tired! Man I need to have soem kind of a holiday soon, even if it's just a change of opinion that casts everything in a new light. Behold, I have only had a blog for one day and already I'm being all "feelings" and "thoughtfulness," how sickening!