? R0XX0R!

It turns out that Persian has a character ? called "teh". I plan to use it often; it's ? lEEt. (The word "lEEt" means "elite" and is rendered "1334" in haxxor, at least by me.) The phrase "? 1334" should look like "TEH lEEt" if everything is working well.

BTW, try to type "? 1334" in a Firefox text field for loads of 1334 fun. Get it to look right in a comment attached to this message. Seriously, try it: no peeking with "view source". The implementation of mixing left-to-right Latin text with text from a right-to-left Arabic language seems kind of wacky. Key observation: "arabic" digits are language-independent.

UTF-8 is awesome, but I don't think it's quite ready to save the world yet.

[Note: I have edited the above for clarity several times since posting. Hopefully it's easier to understand now.] (B)