Evil spammers screw up my site again

I'm afraid I've once again turned off anonymous commenting on this site. (Actually, Josh Triplett did the turn-off and clean-up. Thanks hugely, Josh!)

Apparently some poker site spammers flooded FOB with garbage this evening. As a result, I can't really take anonymous comments anymore.

I'd love to have suggestions as to alternatives: just email fob@po8.org. The ones I am currently considering are some kind of better account creation mechanism for folks who want to comment, or captchas. Either is a pain for me to implement and administer, and will probably require completing my upgrade of the Drupal bits here. Neither will be 100% effective in solving the problem.

Over the years, I've twice had friends become involved in spamming operations. I was pretty hard on them. In retrospect, not nearly hard enough, though. The spammer is one of the lowest forms of human life. May every spammer develop a conscience, then die of shame.