I'm still bitter about the Pirate Haiku contest…
Some time ago, our local newspaper the Oregonian had a contest for the best Pirate Haiku for National Talk Like A Pirate Day. I was aiming for the Second Prize: pirate underwear. I haven't submitted to any of their contests since then, because darn it, mine were better than their winning entries.
But don't take my word for it: judge for yourself.The plank is ready:
It's "Talk Like A Pirate Day"!Can you walk the walk?
A bold privateer
Seeks a booty beyond price:Pirate underwear
Avast ye lubbers!
Face the pirate poet scourge!Men of hai-kurage.
Seventeen quick breaths
Sixteen men on dead man's chestOne pirate haiku
Fearsome buccaneer,
12-year-old Brianna L.,
MP3 pirate.
Compare for yourself, and tell me I wasn't robbed.